Frictional Keyless Shaft-Hub Locking Assembly - Series #: Z1; Z2; Z3; Z4; Z5 - Series #: Z8A; Z8B; Z9; Z10, Z11 - Series #: Z12; Z13A, Z13B, Z14 - Series #: Z15A; Z15B; Z16A; Z16B - Series #: Z17A; Z17B; Z18; Z19; Z20 Shrink Discs, Tapered Adapters, Withdrawal Adapters Roller Chain Couplings: 3012 - 12022 HRC Flexible Couplings: 70 - 280 Jaw Couplings: L035 - L276 Tire Couplings: F40 - F200 Tire Spacer Couplings: A40 - A180 Spacer Couplings: F40 - F140 Pin Couplings: 67 - 318 MH Couplings: 45 - 200 Rigid Couplings: RM12 - RM50 NM Couplings: 50 - 265 RM Couplings: RM12 - RM60 GE Couplings: GE14 - GE125 FL/FLS Couplings: FL100 - FL630; FLS112 - FLS630 EL/ELS Couplings: EL90 - EL800; ELS112 - ELS630 GL Couplings: GL112 - GL315 GRL Couplings: GRL78 - GRL520 GSL Couplings: GSL78 - GSL400 GWL Couplings: GWL78 - GWL400 Gear Couplings Home | Bushes and Hubs | Pulleys and Sheaves | Gears and Racks | Shaft Couplings | Site Map Read before Inquire | Tel: 86-10-8795-2546 | Fax: 86-10-8795-2545 | E-Mail "THC" Remember to bookmark this web site for your future convenience! Copyright 1998-2023 by Beijing THC Limited. All rights reserved. |